It’s Monday…let’s make something! ~ Week 41

It’s Week 41! Can’t believe that I’ve been doing this for almost an entire year! And how are we already a few weeks into the new year?!? Well let’s get into today’s project!

<——- Check out today’s video!

So for today’s project I decided to jump back on the laser and make something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Back when I started making Wizarding Wands, I enjoyed packing them up to ship…but I always wanted to be able to offer something to keep them in besides the box they were shipped in. Well, now with a laser, I’m able to make something in the fraction of the time it would have taken me to with power tools in the barn!

I started by searching online for a box that someone had already made. I couldn’t really find anything that I liked, so I found something close and then changed it completely to fit my needs. This was a fun learning process for me, figuring out what I could do with XCS (xtool’s software), trying to get exactly what I had in my mind. It took some trial and error, but I dialed it in and was ready for today!

I started by loading the saved file, and then making sure my parameters were correct for the size Wizarding Wand. Then I added a name to engrave, this happens to be for the daughter of a friend who received a wand for Christmas. Once I had that added, I went through the steps of getting the laser ready to engrave and cut. I won’t bore you with detailing out the steps, hahaha…but once it was ready…I clicked one more button and pushed the button on the front of the laser to start the project.

It’s so cool to watch the laser do its work. It jumps seamlessly from engraving her name into cutting out all the pieces. It makes my head hurt thinking about doing these things by hand! Once the laser finished cutting and engraving, I took all the pieces out of the laser, laid them out to make sure everything looked good. Then it was time to get out the glue and fit all the pieces together. I had to sand a few pieces to get them to fit properly (mental note to fix the design in these places). It took longer to fit and glue the pieces together than it did for the laser to do its part! I’m sure over time I’ll get quicker with this part…but it’s always fun working on something new like this!

This was a fun project, and each time I use the laser it gives me a little more confidence. What do you guys think? Does this make you want to get a Wizarding Wand and one of these boxes? Hope you have a great week! See you back up in the barn next Monday!

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Brian Baisch

I live in the Pacific Northwest surrounded by trees that I dream of turning into bowls!

It’s Monday…let’s make something! ~ Week 42


It’s Monday…let’s make something! ~ Week 40